Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
QAR 1,000.00
Immerse yourself in the beauty of soft hues and delicate blooms featuring pink gerberas, pink roses, white ohara lilies, tanacetum, bublurium, white lilies, mathiola, purple lisianthus, and white baby roses in a vase.
• 10 stem pink gerbera
• 10 stem pink rose
• 10 stem white ohara
• 10 stem tanacetum
• 10 stem bublurium
• 10 stem white lily
• 10 stem mathiola
• 1 bunch purple lisianthus | 10 stem white baby rose in a glass vase
Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
Dimensions | 40 × 40 × 50 cm |