Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
QAR 749.00
This vibrant basket blends dark pink and red roses with mathiolas, carnations, lisianthus, wax flowers, and eucalyptus. Bursting with color and fragrance, it’s a perfect gift or chic centerpiece for any occasion.
• This Product consist of 10 stem dark pink rose
• 10 stem red rose
• 5 stem mathiola
• 10 stem baby carnation
• 5 stem lisianthus
• 10 stem wax and eucalyptus in a basket
Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
Dimensions | 40 × 40 × 50 cm |