Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
QAR 499.00
Immerse yourself in elegance with our Purple Elegance bouquet. Featuring rich purple roses, vibrant chrysanthemums, and delicate baby roses, accented by wax flowers, astilbe, and caspia. This stunning arrangement adds luxury and charm to any occasion.
• 10 purple roses
• 10 chrysanthemums
• 5 baby roses in purple hues
• 10 stems of wax flowers, and accents of 5 astilbe and caspia.
Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
Dimensions | 40 × 40 × 50 cm |