Bouquet of 24 Pink Roses

QAR 240.00QAR 460.00

Sometimes, simple gifts are the most effective. Just a dozen or two pink roses are ideal for any occasion in which you want to impress. That will do.


Bouquet of Pink Roses:

Send a bouquet of enchanting pink roses to Qatar with Black Tulip Flowers. Our handcrafted arrangements feature the finest, freshest roses, conveying your affection and admiration. With swift delivery and elegant presentation, we make it effortless to share your love and warm wishes. Make someone’s day more special today!


  1. Flowers prefer to stay in temperatures between 8 to 22 degrees Celsius. Avoid placing the flowers near direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or anywhere that has a hot temperature around it.
  2. To truly admire your flowers remove the packing as soon as you received them which allows them to bloom and breathe. Place them in a clean vase of lukewarm water. Usually, we ship our bouquets in a water pouch attached underneath so the kitchen sink is the ideal place to unpack.
  3. Change the water daily or on alternate days & cut the lower part of the stem at least 2cm off so the fresh fiber could drink water, Do not leave any leaves below the waterline it could decompose water and build bacteria which will affect the stems to rotten.
  4. While we always strive to ensure that products are accurately represented in our photographs, from season to season and subject to availability, our florists may be required to substitute one or more flowers for a variety of equal or greater quality, appearance, and value. Please be confident that we will make your flower arrangement look gorgeous.

Additional information

Weight 50 kg
Dimensions 50 cm
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Standard, Deluxe, Premium