Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
QAR 1,450.00
Experience elegance with this luxurious arrangement of white hydrangeas, pink roses, peonies, and vibrant alliums, accented by spray roses, ornamental kale, statice, and spider mums. A sophisticated choice for any occasion.
• 5 hydrangea white
• 30stems roses pink
• 10 stems Peonies
• 10 stems Allium white
• 30stems Spray roses white
• 10 stemsOranathiculam
• 10 stems statice white
• 10stems spider delister
Give a special and classic bouquet of soft pink and white spray roses as a gift to surprise your loved once. Created with artistry and experience by our florists.
Dimensions | 40 × 40 × 50 cm |